Accessible bathrooms around New Zealand

If you or someone you support needs a nearby and / or accessible bathroom while you’re out and about, or if you’re planning a trip to an unfamiliar region nationwide, here’s some useful info on accessibility

Maps of accessible cities around New Zealand

Auckland Accessible Map on the Auckland Transport website

Dunedin Accessible Map  on the Dunedin City Council website, plus their guide to tracks when “Walking with Wheels”

Hamilton Accessible Map on the Hamilton City Council website

Southland Accessible Map  on the Southland  poDistrict Council website

Wellington Accessible Map  on the Wellington City Council website

Christchurch Accessible Map

Changing Places

Fully Accessible Public Bathrooms NZ. A Changing Places bathroom is much more than an accessible toilet. It is a place where people with multiple or complex disabilities can get changed in a safe, clean environment. It has facilities for toileting, showering, and changing for adults or children who might have more than one caregiver with them.

Kimberley Graham’s review of the Changing Places bathroom in the Hamilton Gardens.

Travel Apps

Campermate includes locations outside the city centres. Designed for travellers, the app locates public toilets along your journey, and there’s other useful information for those heading into unfamiliar territory, such as the location of your nearest ATM, petrol station, public shower.

Photo credit: Paul Green on Unsplash