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Disability Action Plan feedback workshops, Christchurch, 26 November 2018

You are invited to participate in the Disability Action Plan feedback workshops, to be held in the Christchurch region on Monday 26th of November 2018. These workshops, which build on the regional meetings held by the Minister for Disability Issues Hon Carmel Sepuloni earlier in 2018, are one of a series to be held around the country.  We will soon be launching an online forum for people to contribute their feedback.


Below is the agenda and format of the workshops:


Public Consultation Workshops  (1 hour and 30 min approximately)

–           Introductions and welcome


Introductory presentation


–           The Disability Action Plan and how it fits with the United Nation Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and the Disability Strategy.

–           Comments on the 2014-2018 Disability Action Plan, incomplete actions to consider for continuation in the new Action Plan, and the six key issues that have already been identified by the International Monitoring Mechanism (IMM).

–           Noting that many actions will be identified and some prioritisation is likely to be required




–           The opportunity to hear from people on their priorities for actions

–           Small groups – brainstorm and prioritise their top 5 actions

–           Report back from small groups

–           List all priorities reported back


Tea Break (during the break the priorities reported-back will be summarised on poster paper)

–           Voting – participants have five stickers to vote for the workshops top priorities


Concluding remarks and “thank yous”


Additional information on the six key issues and the Action Plan by theme will be provided at a later stage.


Any questions, please contact us at