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All Services & Support

  • Al-Anon

    Al-Anon offers hope and recovery to all people affected by the alcoholism of a loved one or friend.

    Al-Anon has one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practising The Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic. We believe that alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.

    To find a meeting near you, go here.

    Contact Us:

    0508 425 266 (0508 AL-ANON)

  • Alzheimers Society Northland

    Alzheimers Societies are a place of learning and support for those who have friends or family who suffer from dementia. This may be from the level of short-term memory loss that is challenging their lives and the lives of those they commune with, to all the stages of Alzheimers Disease and any other dementia.

    Visiting speakers often attend, ranging from WINZ representatives speaking on benefit changes, to St John speaking about their LifeLink service.

    Alzheimers Society Northland also run a Café Club for people in the early stages of dementia, which is an opportunity to meet for a coffee with others who are on the same journey.

    Contact Us:

    09 438 7771 or

    Meetings Info


    Second Tuesday of every month from 10am till 11.30am
    First Wednesday of every month from 1pm till 2.30pm
    Second Thursday of every month from 10am till 11.30am

    Whangarei Heads (Onerahi)

    First Tuesday of every month
    10am till 11.30am


    First Tuesday of every month
    10am till 11.30am

    Bream Bay

    For the carers in Waipu, Ruakaka and One Tree Point
    First Wednesday of every month from 1pm till 2.30pm
    10am till 11.30am

    St John’s Rooms, 4 Tamingi Street, Marsden Point 0116


    Second Wednesday of every month
    11am till 12noon

    Third Thursday of every month
    10am till 12noon

    Maxine Kinvig 022 691 6068


    Third Wednesday of every month

    10am till 11.30am

    Philippa Cooper 027 442 7258 


    Second Wednesday of every month

    10am-12 noon

    Valerie West 022 519 8191



  • Alzheimers Support Kaikohe

    Alzheimers Societies are a place of learning and support for those who have friends or family who suffer from dementia. This may be from the level of short-term memory loss that is challenging their lives and the lives of those they commune with, to all the stages of Alzheimers disease and any other dementia.


    Second Monday of every month, 10am-11.30am

    Contact Us: 

    Philippa Cooper 027-442-7258 or the Kerikeri Office 09-407-3010

  • Alzheimers Support Kaitaia

    Alzheimers Societies are a place of learning and support for those who have friends or family who suffer from dementia. This may be from the level of short-term memory loss that is challenging their lives and the lives of those they commune with, to all the stages of Alzheimers disease and any other dementia.


    Second Wednesday of every month

    10am-12 noon

    Contact: Valerie West 022 519 8191

  • Alzheimers Support Kerikeri

    Alzheimers Societies are a place of learning and support for those who have friends or family who suffer from dementia. This may be from the level of short-term memory loss that is challenging their lives and the lives of those they commune with, to all the stages of Alzheimers disease and any other dementia.


    Third Wednesday of every month, 10am till 11.30am

    Contact Us: 

    Philippa Cooper 027 442 7258

  • Alzheimers Taranaki – New Plymouth Women’s Carer Support Group

    Alzheimers Taranaki – New Plymouth Women’s Carer Support Group is a friendly support group for women who are caring for someone with dementia.  Each session covers a particular topic with a different guest speaker.

    Meet: The last Wednesday of each month at 10am
    Where: St Mary’s Cathedral lounge, Vivian Street, New Plymouth

    Contact Us:

    Anne Fletcher, Field Worker
    06 758 3683

  • Auckland DHB

    Te Whare Awhina (ADHB) is the whanau-family accommodation service located at the Grafton site. Preference for this accommodation is given to whanau-family members who have travelled to Auckland from other regions. Accommodation is available for family members and support members coming through with a patient.

    For people residing within the Auckland DHB boundaries, the accommodation cost is $10.00 per person, per night.

    Contact Us:

    09 307 4949 x 25830.

  • Bay of Plenty DHB

    Emergency family/whānau accommodation for Tauranga and Whakatāne

    In Tauranga, there are two whānau units, Te Whare Whānau Whakatā,  that are available for emergency accommodation for whānau with patients in the wards. Each unit consists of two small bedrooms, kitchen, bath/shower and living room. For queries, please contact the Patient Information Centre at Tauranga Hospital free on 0800 333 477 (8.00am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday) or email

    Accommodation is for short stays only and is accessed via the social work service on ext. 8560.

    In Whakatāne, Te Takapū ō Hineahuone Community House is accessed via Pou Kōkiri staff on ext. 4640. This is a four-bedroom house, which is furnished and equipped for temporary accommodation.

    Contact Us:

  • Blue Star taxis

    Blue Star taxis are now operating five wheelchair vans in Invercargill.

    Whenever possible please book in advance for this service as this helps not only to plan their day, but also ensures people arrive at appointments on time.

    All Blue Star taxis are fitted with EFTPOS machines.

    Contact Us:

    03 217 7777 or
    Blue Star (Invercargill only) and Blue Bubble (NZ wide) Taxis both offer the same services.
    158 Tay Street, Invercargill 9810

  • Brain Injury Waikato – Coffee Support Group

    Come along for support from other carers of a child with a brain injury.

    When: First Monday of each month, 10am – 12noon

    Where: Brain Injury Waikato / just off parking lot in Kent Street

    Free (koha appreciated)

    Contact Us:

  • Cancer Society

    The Cancer Society supports accommodation facilities in all major treatment centres throughout New Zealand.

    Accommodation is provided in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Reservations are essential.

    Accommodation can be booked through your cancer health team.

    Contact Us:

    0800 226 237

  • Canterbury DHB

    Ranui House is available to all out of town patients and their families who are attending any hospital in Christchurch. Patients from all hospital departments can stay at Ranui House, which is owned and operated by the Bone Marrow Cancer Trust.

    Families can live at Ranui while the patient is in hospital, and children are able to attend local schools. If patients are well enough they are able to spend time with their families at Ranui, returning to hospital for treatment when required.

    Patients who are having outpatient treatments (i.e. home dialysis, radiotherapy and even some bone marrow transplants) can stay at Ranui while receiving treatment, with daily visits to the hospital.

    Enquiries can be directed to the office.

    Contact Us:

    Ranui House
    Bone Marrow Cancer Trust
    PO Box 8339
    1 Cambridge Terrace
    Christchurch 8013

    03 377 2515 or

  • Canterbury West Coast Division of the Cancer Society

    The Canterbury West Coast Division offer meetings and gatherings for those who have had a cancer diagnosis. Family members are welcome to attend.
    The Cancer Society offers a Carers group – A group for partners, family/whanau and friends who meet regularly for support and education.

    Venue: Cancer Society office, 97 Fitzgerald avenue, Christchurch.

    Contact Us:

    03 379 5835 (Groups Co-ordinator) or

  • Capital and Coast DHB

    The Capital and Coast DHB manages funding and oversees services for the Wellington Region. Accommodation options include:

    Riddiford Street Hostel

    Call 04 385 5362

    Limited accommodation is available at the Riddiford Street Hostel (Wellington Hospital) for people who are supporting extended stay hospital patients. Riddiford Street Hostel is the former Nurses Home and has single rooms and shared kitchen/bathroom facilities. It is not suitable for young children as it is situated on the 6th floor of the building.
    Cost: $30 per night per person, or $150 per week.

    Te Pehi Parata Whānau Whare

    Call 04 385 5956

    A kaupapa Maori service for family and whānau who travel from outside the Wellington region. The Whare is available to all families although preference is given to those who have a patient in the Intensive Care Unit. The Whare consists of four bedrooms which can sleep three to four people, and has wheelchair access and coin-operated laundry facilities. It is also available for patients who require a night’s accommodation prior to an early morning hospital appointment.
    Cost $30 per night per room (a $10 refundable key bond applies) and there is a maximum stay of five nights. After the fifth night the stay is negotiable and is available on a day by day basis, depending on your family member’s condition.

    Margaret Stewart House

    Call 04 380 0300 between 8am – 4.30pm.

    Margaret Stewart House is primarily for out of town (MoH criteria) patients who are undergoing cancer or renal treatment. You will need to pre-book. There is limited space for a support person. Charges on request.

  • Capital and Coast DHB – shuttle services

    Shuttle Services
    The shuttle van service runs every hour on weekdays, with the first shuttles departing simultaneously from both sites at 7.00am. Departures continue each hour on the hour, with the final departure at 6.00pm. Vans have ‘Wellington-Kenepuru Shuttle Service’ written on the sides.
    The shuttle does not operate on weekends or public holidays. Reduced schedules operate over the Christmas / New Year peak holiday period – call Shuttle bookings on (04) 806-2708.

    Departure Points
    Kenepuru: Main public entrance to Accident and Medical Clinic
    Wellington: Main public entrance to Wellington Regional Hospital


    Please make a booking, preferably at least one hour before you intend to travel. This can be done by telephone during the hours of 07:30am to 16:30pm, Monday to Friday. For travel in both directions, call Shuttle bookings on (04) 806-2708.
    Please note that space on the shuttle is limited and patients will always have priority.
    To ensure the correct information is entered please have ready the following details: to and from, date, time, first name and surname, patient, visitor or staff. Please ensure you bring a copy of your appointment letter for display on request.
    If insufficient seats are available, seats will be allocated according to the following priorities:

    1. Patients / outpatients travelling to / from appointments
    2. Relatives / caregivers / visitors of patients / outpatients
    3. On-duty staff travelling to clinics / meetings

    Travel Times
    Travel time is usually around 30 minutes, but can be up to 45 minutes as collections and deliveries are often made during the run. We suggest that staff using the shuttle to travel to meetings arrange for them to be scheduled for 15 minutes before the hour, or on the hour. Departure times are set on the hour every hour and cannot deviate; please ensure you are ready for collection at the departure points.

    If you require further information, please contact the CCDHB Transport Office, 385-5999 x 82708.

  • Caring for Carers East Coast

    Caring for Carers offers support to family carers who provide care to an adult or child with a serious illness, learning disorder or disability. Their service includes monthly get-togethers, quarterly newsletters and a website. Caring for Carers provide a caring and confidential environment for carers to discuss their experiences, socialise, share information and offer each other support, as well as speakers and activities, depending on carers’ needs and interests.

    Contact Us: or 06 877 8193

  • Caring for Carers Support Group

    This is a group in Timaru that offers support for anyone who cares for somebody, of any age, with any health condition. Caring 4 Carers has an informal meeting on the third Thursday of each month, and often there will be a guest speaker, chosen by the carers. The perfect opportunity for carers to make new friends, share their experiences, and seek advice.

    Meet: The Third Thursday of each month

    Contact Us:

    Margerie Gould 03 687 7370 or 022 685 8093

    Alison 03 684 3140
    Caring For Carers Inc, South Canterbury, PO Box 983, Timaru 7940

  • Christchurch Caring For The Carers

    A group in Christchurch which offers support to a parent, spouse, sibling or friend who cannot manage everyday living without help or support.  The service includes a monthly coffee group, monthly craft group and a monthly newsletter.  This is a great opportunity for carers to meet other carers and share their experiences.

    Support meetings are held at Sugarhorse Café, Christchurch, on the second Thursday of the month from 10.30-12pm.  The craft morning is held on the fourth Wednesday between the hours of 10.30-12pm.

    Contact Us:

    Florence Nightingale Agency

    03 366 8630


  • Cleft Lip & Palate – Coffee Support Group

    Cleft New Zealand provides information, resources, advocacy and emotional support to enable families to best meet the needs of their child born with a cleft lip and/or palate.

    We run many events around the country.

    Contact Us:

    0800 425 338

    Cleft New Zealand Inc
    PO Box 13385, Onehunga, Auckland

    0800 425 338 (0800 4 CLEFT)
    FaceIt on Facebook!

  • Complex Care Group

    Complex Care Group offers specific support for carers, by carers, who understand your needs. Complex Care Group has a networking directory that is shared with other families within the group, and they also have a direct link to the Ministry of Health.

    Contact Us:

    Jan Moss 0800 852 693 or 09 443 5786 or 021 304 244
    PO Box 334073 Sunnynook Auckland 0743

  • Connect with other carers in your area!

    Do you feel lonely or isolated in your caring role? Would you like to connect with other carers in your area?

    Contact Us: or 0800 777 797 to be referred to local carer networks.

  • Counties Manukau DHB

    Getting to Manukau SuperClinic and Surgery Centre

    Address:  901 Great South Rd, Manukau, Auckland 2104

    The main entrance to the Manukau SuperClinic is on Great South Road and entrance to Manukau Surgery Centre is to the right of the main entrance. There is a bus stop located on the Great South Road.

    By free shuttle service for staff and patients

    Two new services are available for staff and patients needing to catch a free ride from Manukau and/or Papatoetoe train stations to Middlemore Hospital and Manukau SuperClinic. Click here for more information.

    By St Johns Health Shuttle

    A Monday to Friday shuttle service is operated by St John in some areas of Counties Manukau. The service is free (koha/donations are welcome) and staffed with reliable, fully-trained drivers that pick up patients, take them to their appointment, and drop them home safely again. For more information about the shuttle, call toll free on 0800 9252 672 (0800 WAKA ORA) or click here for more information.

    By Public Bus Service

    Daily bus and train services operate regularly through the day. The bus stop is located on the Great South Road.

    For further bus information, Auckland Transport (AT) Journey Planner, or phone 09-366 6400 or toll-free on 0800 10 30 80 if outside the local calling area.

    By Car

    Free parking is available for patients visiting the Manukau SuperClinic.  All patient parking is clearly signposted around the Clinic.

    Disabled Parking spaces can be found near most of the entrances around the hospital. Please ensure you display an authorised disabled parking pass at all times.

    Patients may be set down or picked up from outside the main entrance.  Please consider others and remove cars as soon as possible.

    There is a taxi stand available alongside the main entrance of the Manukau SuperClinic.

  • Counties Manukau Special Needs Support Group

    Do you have a child with special needs?
    Do you live in Auckland?
    Are you interested in going along to a relaxed morning tea/support group with other parents of children with special needs?

    South Auckland Special Needs Support Group meet once a month at P.A.C.T. (Papatoetoe Adolescent Christian Trust), 311 Great South Road, Papatoetoe.

    Come along and meet other families with special needs children and enjoy a coffee and chat.

    Contact Us:

    Marlene 021 120 3235 or

  • Dementia Hawkes Bay

    Dementia Hawkes Bay holds community support groups, Memory Cafe, held monthly in Napier and Hastings. Memory Cafe is a support group for clients and carers to meet with others in the community and a CLO (Community Liaison Officer) team.

    Contact Us:

  • Dementia Wellington

    Dementia Wellington (formerly Alzheimers Wellington) is the only charity in Wellington providing dementia-specific services to local families. Through tailored advice, support, information and education, the team at Dementia Wellington offer free services to anyone diagnosed with dementia and their families, at every stage of the disease. We work across Kapiti, the Hutt, and Wellington.

    Contact Us:

    Main office number: 04 972 2595

    Kapiti office number: 04 297 3179

    Physical Address: 55 Hutt Road Petone Wellington 5012

    Postal Address: PO Box 39393 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045

  • Disability Connect

    Disability Connect supports parents and families of disabled children and young people.

    Contact Us:

    Disability Connect (Parent & Family Resource Centre Inc. trading as Disability Connect)
    09 636 0351

  • Disabled Persons Assembly Tairawhiti (DPA)

    DPA promotes:


    Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) is a national group in New Zealand. Our Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) Tairawhiti is a community group in Gisborne.

    We are a collective voice of all people with a disability in New Zealand based on the principles of human rights and equal value of life.

    People with disability have the right to:

    • equality and participation
    • dignity and respect
    • make informed choices
    • live as we choose with appropriate support
    • influence and shape policy at all levels
    • barriers removed for everyday living

    Contact Us:

    06 862 5538

  • Driving Miss Daisy

    Driving Miss Daisy is a companion driving service with franchises in many parts of NZ.

    You can use Driving Miss Daisy for:

    • medical appointments
    • personal grooming appointments
    • social engagements
    • grocery shopping
    • general shopping
    • scenic drives
    • airport drop offs and pick ups
    • after school activities – sports, music or dance lessons.

    Contact Us:

    0800 948 432

  • Elder Family Matters

    Elder Family Matters has assisted older people, and their Carers in the wider Wellington region (including Hutt Valley, Porirua Basin, Kapiti Coast, and Wairarapa)
    for 14 years so they can choose to continue living in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes.

    Elder Family Matters provides services such as assisting the elderly with the transport to social activities, appointments, shopping, and scenic drives thus enabling primary Carers to have a break.
    Elder Family Matters team includes a full range of Carers (e.g. highly experienced carers, registered nurses, enrolled nurses, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists).

    Contact us:

    0800 321 789

    Elder Family Matters Limited

    Located in Ami Plaza
    344 Lambton Quay

    Wellington Central

    Wellington 6011

  • Emmanuel Cottage – Waipu

    Emmanuel Collage is located on Massey Road, approximately 6km from the main township of Waipu in Northland. Situated on 900 acres of working farmland and native bush this is the perfect place for your well deserved R&R. Enjoy the peacefulness of the farm while you take in the picturesque views of the sea and out to Whangarei Heads.

    The cottage itself is two storied; the ground floor containing the kitchen, washing/bathroom facilities and bedroom with comfortable double bed. Upstairs the mezzanine floor is open plan with 8 single beds. The people who stay there are on their own and need to bring their own food and linen.

    Emmanuel is ‘rent free’ although you are welcome to give a koha/donation of $10 per night to cover expenses. The cottage is available to all who would like some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; but bear in mind that the maximum stay is 2 weeks!! Come to Emmanuel and do nothing but rest, relax and recharge your batteries.

    Contact Us:

    Bruce and Helen Matheson
    09 432 0239

  • Epilepsy NZ – Canterbury/West Coast Branch

    Epilepsy NZ – Canterbury/West Coast Branch

    Epilepsy New Zealand provides support for those living with Epilepsy and awareness for those around them. Trained educators offer support and epilepsy education to people with epilepsy, their families and whānau. The service extends to supporting and training care workers who work with families living with epilepsy.

    Epilepsy New Zealand runs a monthly support group for people with epilepsy and their families, carers or supporters.

    Contact Us:

    Epilepsy New Zealand’s Canterbury and West Coast office
    Epilepsy NZ, PO Box 7104, Sydenham, Christchurch 8240
    0800 374537 or

  • Feilding St John Shuttle Service

    St John Health Shuttle Feilding
    Health Shuttle Service covering the Manawatu area, providing transport services for patients to attend medical appointments.

    Cost: Donation
    Address: Bowen Street, Feilding

    Contact Us:

    06 323 5655 or
    Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30-2.30pm

  • Gwenda Gleeson – Opotiki

    Gwenda is 63-years-old and a grandmother to nine grandchildren. Gwenda is a widow and would like someone who is willing to take time to visit her at home; as an amputee she is unable to drive herself.

    Contact Us:
    Skype: gwenda.gleeson1
    07 315 5265 or 027 283 8717

  • Hawkes Bay DHB

    Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation Kaupapa is based on the principle of “manaaki-atu, manaaki mai,”

    is the ability and willingness to share in a reciprocal and caring way.

    We ask that you treat Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation with the respect. Listed below are a number of suggestions that will enable the smooth running of the whānau and will cause little disruption to the whānau and to those services that are based there.

    All parts of the premises are to be kept clean and tidy at all times. This includes the bedrooms, ablution block, laundry room, kitchen, dining room and TV room.

    Children must be supervised by an adult including inside Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation and on the hospital grounds. Children are not to be left alone in the accommodation service at any time under no circumstance. This is for everyone’s safety and security.

    Animals are not permitted in Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation or any DHB property at all times.

    The use of and under the influence of alcohol and illegal drugs is strictly forbidden. Any persons found to be contravening this will be immediately evicted from Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation and will be closely monitored for future bookings.

    Gang patches or other such regalia are not to be worn on the premise of Mihiroa Whānau Accommodation.

    Hawkes Bay DHB is smoke free. Smoking on the premises is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated by Maori Health Staff. A smoke free advisor is available at the Maori Health Service who is able to supply whanau with Patches, Gum and advice and support whilst staying at the accommodation service. Zero tolerance means whanau will be required to vacate the accommodation service immediately if found to be smoking in or on the property.

    Manaaki-atu includes:
    Private and secure sleeping accommodation for whānau of patients and/or patients in hospital
    Cooking facilities with refrigerator and freezer, microwave, toaster, zip water heater, crockery and cutlery. (You will be required to provide your own food)
    Laundry facilities including dryer (coin operated)
    TV Lounge and separate dining rooms
    Bed linen and towels provided (excluding blankets)
    Personal support from Maori Health Kaitakawaenga (liaison)
    Security escort to/from Whanau Accommodation at night

    Putea Awhina
    Refundable $20 bond The $20 Bond will be forfeited for any items are misplaced, lost or damaged.
    $10 per adult per night
    Children 16 years and under are FREE
    NO EFTPOS available Cash ONLY

    Patients may qualify for support from the Ministry of Health Travel and Accommodation Assistance fund. Our administration team may be able to assist with applying for this.

    Contact Us:

    Bookings can be made during business hours by contacting 0800 333 671

    Monday to Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm

    AFTER HOURS Bookings and Enquiries
    Kaitakawaenga (Māori Liaison)
    Monday to Friday 16:30hrs – 23:00hrs
    06 878 8109 DHB Main Call Centre
    Extension: 5788
    Pager: 3027

    Accommodation enquiries between 11:30pm and 8:00am are to be referred to the Duty Manager.

  • Home of Compassion

    The Home of Compassion in Island Bay, offers disability friendly accommodation and meeting facilities for people who would like a quiet place to stay, who have been caring for others, are supporting someone in hospital, or just need space for reflection and self-renewal.

    Its facilities are available for small groups for retreat (day stay, or live in), seminars or conferences, or celebration of family events.

    Contact us:

    04 383 7769

    Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, Wellington
    The Accommodation Manager
    Home of Compassion
    2 Rhine Street (off Murray St)
    Island Bay
    Wellington 6023
    New Zealand

    04 383 7769

    All contact information for the Sisters of Compassion is listed below.

    Mission Office
    Home of Compassion
    2 Rhine Street (off Murray St)
    Island Bay
    Wellington 6023
    New Zealand

    04 383 7134

    Leadership Team
    General Administration Offices
    Home of Compassion
    2 Rhine Street (off Murray St)
    Island Bay
    Wellington 6023
    New Zealand

    04 383 7134

    Compassion Company
    Sisters of Compassion Limited
    PO Box 1474
    Wellington 6140
    New Zealand

  • Horowhenua Breathe Easy Support Group

    The Horowhenua Breathe Easy Support Group supports people and their carers in all respiratory problems.

    Meet: 4th Thursday of each month, 10.15am
    Venue: Hudson Room, Levin Cosmopolitan Club, Oxford Street, Levin

    Contact Us:

    Wally Dyson 06 368 8981
    Daphne Barrett 06 368 8189

  • Hospice Taranaki

    A support group for carers is held at Hospice Taranaki twice each year. This is a closed group which runs for 6 weeks, and there are usually between 6- 10 participants.

    Anyone who is family member or friend of someone under hospice care is eligible to attend. There are several guest speakers, including a social worker, an occupational therapist, a palliative care doctor and a funereal director. As well as the topics covered by these speakers, there is also time to share and reflect on how it is to be the carer of someone who is terminally ill. The groups run for 1.5 hours and include morning tea.

    Meet: Twice a year
    Venue: Hospice Taranaki

    Contact Us:

    06 753 7830 or

  • How to find a doctor or mental health professional

    If you feel unwell your best starting point is usually your General Health Practitioner (GP / family doctor). GPs are trained to assess, treat and manage many mental health issues within primary care (the community rather than in a hospital). Your GP can refer you to your local community mental health service or elsewhere if needed. or they may be able to manage your illness themselves.

    If you need help to find a doctor or mental health professional there are websites with lists of resources:

    • The Mental Health Foundation – Find a GP or counsellor
    • Most of the universities, polytechnics and even private providers offer free counselling for their students. Check their websites for details.
    • Barnardos New Zealand provides child and family services in communities around the country – Find a service.
    • The Family Services Directory lists organisations in your area that can help.
  • Hutt Valley DHB

    A Whānau whare is available on campus for families of patients who are from outside Wellington and wish to remain close to their family members in the hospital. Small charges apply, and are based on the number of families wishing to stay in the house on a per night basis.

    Contact Us:

    Orderly Service 04 566 6999 x 8222

    Ian McPherson
    Acting Chief Executive, Wairarapa DHB and Hutt Valley DHB

    Media Enquiries

    After Hours 04 806 2790
    Jill Stringer, Communications Manager 027 273 1154 or
    Jan McLaren, Communications Advisor 027 273 1237 or (Wairarapa)
    Catherine Sands-Wearing, Senior Communications Advisor 027 743 03519 or

  • Kapiti Retirement Trust – Sevenoaks-Midlands Gardens

    Kapiti Retirement Trust (KRT) provide the five dedicated respite beds for Capital and Coast DHB in the Matai Wing.

    Based on the Kapiti Coast we have clients accessing our respite service from the DHB region.

    The beds can be pre booked for at least six months ahead to enable a carer to book a break, whether it be at home or away from home.

    This allows a carer to book a holiday and be able to have sure knowledge that a bed is available for their loved one.

    Contact Us:

    Clinical Administrator
    04 297 0116

  • Lakes DHB

    Paimarie housing units are available for those who live outside the central Rotorua area.

    It provides emergency accomodation for family members of critically ill patients staying at Rotorua Hospital.
    The units are basic but is lovely and well cared for, and conveniently located only on hospital grounds, overlooking Kuirau park.
    There are 5 motel-like units (4 smaller units that can sleep up to 4 adults, and 1 larger units that can sleep up to 8). All units have Basic cooking and bathroom facilities.
    For short term accomodation, units can be booked for 10 dollars per room for first 2 nights a relation is in hospital. This increases to 40 dollars per night per unit after these first two nights.
    Arranged bookings start at 40 dollars per room per night and can be for up to 8 people. Some people will qualify for NZ travelling allowance to subsidise this cost if they have travelled more than 100km and have a community services card.
    Please note that all Lakes DHB sites are smokefree. Alcohol or illegal drugs are not permitted anywhere on site, or in Paimarie.
    If Paimarie is full, a list of low cost accommodation hotel/motel and B&B options are available on at reception upon request.
    Donations are welcome.

    Contact Us:

    National travel assistance coordinator
    For after hours assistance (after 4.30pm) contact:
    Lakes DHB Duty Manager (07) 348 1199
    All departments & services 07 348 1199
    Chief Executive Ron Dunham Phone 07 349 7982

  • Lakes DHB – Shuttle Service

    Lakes DHB offers a shuttle service, which is coordinated and run by St John’s Ambulance.
    The St John Health Shuttle can be used by anyone wishing to attend a medical or health-related appointment in Rotorua.
    The service operates Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3.30pm excluding public holidays. It is preferable to give at least 24 hours notice of your appointment to ensure a vehicle is available (earlier bookings are advisable due to the demand for the service).
    Note: you must be ready half an hour before the appointment time.
    The St John Health Shuttle service offers a vehicle able to carry patients seated or in a wheelchair.
    Although this service is provided free, any donations, are appreciated. Donations go towards helping to cover running costs.
    Information brochures are also available through the hospital upon request, or from St Johns.

    Contact Us:

    07 349 7658
    Rotorua St John Health Shuttle

  • Language Assistance Services

    The Government facilitates access to language assistance services, such as interpreting and translation services, to help clients with limited English access public services and information.

    This service helps clients with limited English to communicate with government agencies through telephone interpreters available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in over 180 languages.

    Contact Us:

    Language Assistance Services.

  • Levin Arthritis Support Group

    Levin Arthritis Support Group offers support to those who suffer from arthritis, and their families with monthly meets.

    Meet: 2nd Monday of each month, 1.30pm
    Venue: The Hudson Room Levin Cosmopolitan Club, Oxford Street

    Contact Us:

    Yvonne Mabey (Chairperson) 06 368 5068 or
    Levin Arthritis Support Group Street

    29 Hinemoa Street, Levin

  • Marton St John Health Shuttle Service

    Marton Health Shuttle has 3 shuttles – 2 with hoists and our third one is a car.

    We have a set timetable on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for taking clients to Palmerston North hospital for dialysis (and home again).

    Monday to Friday: For other health appointments – which include dentists, doctors, specialists, podiatrists, respite care to rest homes etc. we run the shuttles to appointment times (not regular times).

    We go to Palmerston North and Wanganui and all places in between.

    We work on a donation system of payment for these trips to try to cover costs.

    We like to have at least 24 hours notice to organise drivers and shuttles.

    Contact Us:

    06 327 4530

  • Men’s Carer Support Group (Taranaki)

    A support group especially for husbands/partners or sons who are caring for a loved one with a dementia related illness.
    This is the ideal opportunity to meet up with other men who are experiencing similar situations.
    You’ll be able to learn off one another and hear other ideas and support one another by sharing stories and knowledge.

    Meet: 1st Monday of each month (unless it is a Public Holiday) from 2.30 – 4pm, followed by tea and biscuits.
    Venue: Barretts Lounge, Taranaki Base Hospital (next to the Cafeteria).

    Contact Us:

    Sarah De Souza 06 7536139 x 7982


    Anna-Dora Schwank, 06 7536139 x 8766

  • Mesothelioma Prognosis Network

    Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer caused from asbestos exposure. Due to the long latency period of mesothelioma (approximately 20-50 years), most people who are diagnosed with the disease are seniors.

    For many of these individuals, caregivers and in-home assistance are a necessity. Our organization works with these individuals, primarily seniors, and their families to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups. We have created the most extensive prognosis support and information source online, and we have patient advocates available 24/7 to help provide help to those in need at any time. is dedicated to providing free information and resources to those affected by mesothelioma cancer.

    Contact Us: or contact Chad Maycumber at

  • MidCentral DHB

    Te Whare Rapuora/Maori Health Unit provides Maori Health support services to families accessing MidCentral Health services.
    Limited family accommodation is available. Access is on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of staff.

    Priority is given to those who:
    • Are from outside the MidCentral District Health Board region (whanau who live within the region but in a rural area can access the
    • Are supporting critically/terminally ill hospital patients • Are from outside the Palmerston North City region.

    Facilities include:
    • Cooking area and food storage (you will be required to provide your own food) • Modern wheelchair accessible ablution facilities • Laundry facilities • Lounge/dining room/reception • Communal sleeping area-divans for the older person, (for persons booking in, supply own toiletries and towels. A sheet, aircell blanket, pillow and case are supplied .

    Accommodation is available on a 24 hour basis. If you require after hours access (between 5pm and 8.30am and anytime at the weekend) ask hospital staff to contact the after hours coordinator.
    Cost: is a one off initial first night payment of $20 per whanau.( That is 3 persons per patient whanau )
    Thereafter the cost is $3 per person per night.

    Contact Us:

    06 350 8210

  • Mill Bay Hideaway

    Mill Bay Hideaway is a cosy, cute, traditional true “Kiwi” style bach. Conveniently located in peaceful Mill Bay, on Northlands East Coast, the Hideaway is the perfect place to relax and forget the stresses of every day life.

    With views out to Mill Bay and the boats moored within, this is a truly tranquil setting. The Hideaway has full kitchen facilities, 3 bedrooms, and will comfortably sleep up to six people. Children of all ages are welcome, dogs are welcome also, but please keep them outside.

    Offering their Hideaway as a time out place for family carers was something that appealed to Steve and Veronica. ‘We know that carers work really hard looking after their loved ones, so we decided to make our Hideaway available for them while their family member is in respite or being looked after by another family member. Carers deserve a well earned break and we wanted to make this possible for them’, says Veronica.

    Just a 10 minute stroll away from the Hideaway is historic Mangonui Village. The village has a Four Square/Post Shop, crafts, an Information Centre, and more. While you are there why not take some time out and sit and enjoy a Cappuccino in one of the cafes while looking over the Mangonui Harbour – this is truly relaxing. Well known Coopers Beach, Cable Bay and Taipa are all within a short driving distance.

    Steve and Veronica ask for a koha to cover their power and water expenses. You will need to bring your own sheets, pillowcases and towels, but duvets, pillows and blankets are provided. The minimum stay at the Hideaway is two nights. Steve and Veronica ask that when departing that ‘you leave the bach as you found it’.

    Contact Us:

    Veronica 09 406 0720

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Society of Canterbury

    A Parkinson’s Disease Support Group for Spouses and Carers offering support and friendship. We also offer an annual education session specifically for this group.

    Venue: Cafés around Christchurch and Rangiora
    Meet: Monthly

    Contact Us:

    Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Society of Canterbury (Inc)
    03 366 2857

  • Multiple Sclerosis Otago

    Multiple Sclerosis Otago runs free groups across Otago and online for people living with Multiple Sclerosis and associated conditions and their friends, whānau, and carers.

    Information on groups here.

    Each month they feature a different resource/information sheet to discuss with each group. These might include resources such as personal well-being, information about Support Crew or information on enduring power of attorney.

    Check their Calendar for groups and other events at

  • Nelson Marlborough DHB

    Altrusa House is situated at the south end of the Nelson Hospital site, immediately above Motueka Street. The House is available to anyone from out of town who requires accommodation before or after treatment at Nelson Hospital. This accommodation is also available to relatives and whanau of patients, although if the house is full, priority is given to those who require accommodation before or after treatment.

    Altrusa House consists of four twin bedrooms and two single bedrooms. A cot is available for infants. Meals can be ordered through the Information Receptionist (weekdays) or via the telephone operators at weekends.

    Charges for meals are: breakfasts $4, dinners $6. Lunches are available from the hospital cafeteria (Monday to Saturday).

    Cost: $30 per night per person (including GST) and $10 per night (including GST) for a second person if sharing a room.

    Contact Us:

    03 546 1800

  • Northland DHB

    Kaitaia, Bay of Islands and Dargaville Hospital visitors can arrange accommodation in their family houses. Talk to nursing staff for more information.

    Whangarei Hospital offers Te Whaea o te Iwi whanau accommodation and is sited across the road from the hospital. Consisting of 24 beds, it has three rooms: one is a large room sleeping nine people, one has a single bed, the third room has two single beds for kuia and kaumatua. The balance of the beds is in an open plan style.

    Visitors can buy food from the hospital cafeteria or Cafe Delimarche. Snacks and canned drinks are also available from coin machines on the ground floor and lower ground floor.

    Cost is $10 per person per night.
    Children under the age of five stay free.

    Contact Us:

    Rebecca 021 512 281

  • Northland DHB – Shuttle Service

    This is a week day bus service between Kaitaia and Whangarei Hospitals.

    Seats are allocated in the following order of priority:

    Outpatients and inpatients who have an appointment at a public hospital
    Parents of children with an appointment at a public hospital
    Support people/carers of elderly people or people with disabilities who have a public hospital appointment.
    The service is FREE for the above people although a koha/donation would be welcome.

    For the following categories of passenger, the charge is $20 each way:

    People with private appointments, e.g. at Prime Care or Kowhai Court
    People wishing to visit inpatients at Whangarei Hospital
    For children 13 years and under, the charge is $10 each way, children under 5 years are free.
    Please have your appointment card/letter ready to show the driver, or have the fare ready to pay them.

    You must book in advance as the driver only stops where indicated on their passenger list.

    Contact Us:

    Bay of Islands Hospital Telephonist 09 404 0280
    Kaeo Hospital Health Centre Clerk 09 405 0541
    Whangarei Hospital Admissions 09 430 4101 ext 7263
    Kaitaia Hospital Telephonist 09 408 9180
    This is a SMOKE FREE bus.

  • Northland Down Syndrome Support Group

    Northland Down Syndrome Support Group provides information, education and support to people whose lives have been changed by Down Syndrome.They also hold parent dinners, pamper evenings for the ladies, and an annual Christmas party. To find out when the next meet or event is planned for, please call and leave a message for Kathryn Sadgrove on 09 434 6723. Meets on the third Wednesday of each month, although this can change with attendance, so please confirm with Kathryn. Venue is McDonalds, Bank Street.

    Contact Us:

    Kathryn Sadgrove

  • Otaki St John Health Shuttle Service

    We are the Otaki St John Health Shuttle. Our usual trips are to Levin & Palmerston North, although we occasionally go to Wellington medical appointments as well.

    Contact Us:

    06 364 5603 or

  • Parent to Parent Northland

    Are you caring for a child with special or additional needs? Would you like to meet other parents and carers who are doing the same? Then come and meet us for a coffee and a chat!

    Meet: Coffee group meeting every third Tuesday of every month.
    Venue: CCS Disability Centre Whangarei in the Tui Room 291 Kamo Road

    Contact Us:

    Lynne Hansen
    09 437 3337

  • Parkinson’s Wellington

    Parkinson’s Wellington provides support for people with Parkinson’s Disease and their families/carers.

    This is a great opportunity to come and share carer experiences and learn what resources you can tap into in the community.

    Lower Hutt: Carers Support Group meets every second month-pls call Andrea for dates.
    Venue: Russell McKeown House cnr Laings Road and Queens Drive ground floor.
    Cost $2.00 for tea and coffee

    Wellington Meet: second Thursday of the month at 11.00 a.m.
    Venue: Cafe 162, Marsden Village, Karori

    Contact Us:

    Andrea Savage, Parkinson’s Community Worker, Hutt Valley
    04 566 0401 or 027 566 0401

    Diane Stephens, Parkinson’s Community Educator, Parkinson’s Wellington
    04 385 8040

  • Re-Li-On-Us Mobility Services

    Re-Li-On-Us Mobility Services provide Accessible Transportation Services to the community across the Greater Auckland region and its surrounding areas (from Orewa to Bombay). They assist the elderly, frail, and those who are unable to use public transport to, and from their homes to various destinations such as Medical Appointments, Rehabilitation Centres, RSA Employment, ACC, Income Support, Church, Weddings, Shopping, Events, Sporting Events, or Physical-Therapy, plus more!

    RE-LI-ON-US Mobility Services has 29 vehicles, so that means when a person books a cab, the nearest available vehicle to that person is sent, resulting in a faster and more efficient service.

    Total Mobility Vans are also available for passengers who have special needs; these include wheelchair lifts with specially trained drivers. The Disability Swipe card is accepted in the majority of their vehicles.

    Contact Us:

    0800 025 999 (24 hours)

  • Ronald McDonald House

    Since the first Ronald McDonald House opened in Auckland in 1994, RMH has been there to help families in need by offering them a ‘home away from home’.

    Ronald McDonald House Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch offers families whose child is unwell and receiving hospital treatment accommodation in close proximity to hospital grounds as well as emotional and financial support so they are able to focus on their child.

    RMH is a non-profit organisation and offers their services free from charge and all donations made to the Houses, go directly to support the many families that stay with us each year.

    RMH understands that families are stronger when they are together and this is the premise behind everything we do.

    Contact Us:

  • South Canterbury DHB

    A Whānau/Family Day Room is available at Timaru Hospital for patients and their relatives. Essentially this is a Day Room only and not suitable for overnight stays. There is a cafe at the Hospital (closed Saturday and Sunday afternoons), and a shop is located nearby.

    Cost: $30 per night.

    Contact Us:

    03 687 2100

  • South Taranaki Carer Support Group

    South Taranaki Carer Support Group is a support group for people who are caring for someone with a dementia related illness. This group is facilitated by Shirley McGlinchey, Field Worker for Alzheimers Taranaki. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Hawera Catholic Church.

    Meet: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1.30pm
    Venue: Hawera Catholic Church.

    Contact Us:

    Shirley McGlinchey 06 278 8519

  • Southern DHB

    The Southern DHB includes hospitals in Dunedin, Wakari (Dunedin), Invercargill and Queenstown. If you are having to arrange travel and accommodation before you are admitted to a hospital under this DHB, the National Travel Assistance programme may be able to assist.

    Arranging accommodation

    If you have an early operation time, you will need to arrange accommodation for the previous night. If you are bringing a support person, you will need to arrange accommodation for them. If you qualify for support and are staying in commercial accommodation such as a motel, hotel or hostel, the National Travel Assistance programme may be able to help.

    In specific situations, the DHB can support accommodation for the family/whānau. These include:

    Ronald McDonald Family Room – Southland Hospital
    There are four short-stay rooms for the caregivers of critically ill children when it‘s imperative they remain just moments away from their hospitalised child. These beds are allocated in consultation with hospital staff and are given on a greatest needs basis. The Ronald McDonald Family Room at Southland Hospital also provides a quiet space for families to relax and recharge just moments away from their hospitalised child.

    Te Whare Whānau
    The Māori Health Unit provides Te Whare Whānau (the Family Room) service. This is a short-term accommodation option (1-3 nights) available to your family/whānau members living outside the Invercargill boundary when you are receiving hospital care. In Dunedin, Te Whare Whānau provide accommodation for up to two whānau of critically ill patients. For enquiries to access Te Whare Whānau room, please ask the nursing staff looking after you to contact the unit or Security.

    Organising transport to and from the hospital

    There are a number of transport options available across the district to bring you to Dunedin Hospital.

    If you live in Southland:

    • The St John Shuttle runs Monday to Friday between Dunedin and Invercargill. Phone 0800 103 046 to book

    If you live in Central Otago:

    • The St John Shuttle runs Monday to Friday between Dunedin and Cromwell. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday it travels via Milton; and on Tuesday and Thursday it travels via Palmerston. There are designated drop off points along the way. Phone 0800 785 276 to book

    If you live in North Otago:

    • Coast Line Tours runs Monday to Friday from Oamaru. Phone 027 256 5651 to book.

    If you are in the Dunedin area:

    • The Red Cross may be able to help with transport needs. Please talk with your GP about arranging a referral.

    If you do not drive or have no one able to drive you and you meet the NTA criteria, NTA will fund transport on a public shuttle. You need to book this yourself and claim reimbursement from NTA. If you need assistance to pay for this please contact WINZ to see if they can help.

  • Southland Head Injury Society

    Southland Head Injury Society provides a fun coffee morning which incorporates social gathering and support for those who care for somebody who has suffered a head injury.

    Meet: Twice a month, dates are confirmed by the field officer via a regular newsletter.
    Venue: Southland Head Injury Society office; 46 Kelvin Street, Invercargill.

    Contact Us:

    Miranda Kennedy (Field Officer)
    03 214 4154 or

  • St John Health Shuttle Services

    If you are not well or you have health or mobility problems that make it difficult for you to get to your medical appointment, St John can take you in their fully equipped Health Shuttle, for treatment or to visit a specialist or hospital for minor day surgery.

    When your appointment is over, they will be there to pick you up and transport you home again. All they ask in return is that you make a donation to help cover the costs of running the Health Shuttle.

    St John Health Shuttles run Monday to Friday (except public holidays). To find out if a St John Health Shuttle is available in your area, or to book a journey:

    Contact Us:

    0800 000 606

  • Stroke Foundation of New Zealand –

    Stroke Foundation of New Zealand

    If you care for someone who has had a stroke and need further information, please contact:

    National Office
    0800 78 76 53

    Northern Region (Auckland, Northland)
    09 475 0070

    Midland Region (Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Taranaki, Northern Manawatu)
    07 571 3061

    Southern Region (South Island)
    03 381 8500

  • Stroke Groups nationwide

    Stroke Groups unite people who have had a stroke, for mutual support and friendship. As well as enabling people to share experiences and help each other, the clubs hold social activities and organise outings. They meet regularly to unite people who have had a stroke for mutual support. As well as enabling people to share experiences and help each other, the clubs encourage social activities and organise outings.

    To find a Stroke Group near you, go here.


    All Northern Region stroke clubs can be contacted via Stroke Foundation Northern Region office:

    PO Box 65371, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0754

    09 475 0070 or


    All Central Region stroke clubs can be contacted through Bridget, Regional Administrator:

    04 298 8585 or


    All Southern region stroke clubs can be contacted through the regional office, in addition to details shown.

    Braintree Wellness Centre, 70 Langdons Road, Christchurch 8053

    PO Box 8143, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440
    03 381 8500 or

  • Supporting Families in Mental Illness

    Supporting Families in Mental Illness holds regular support group meetings for families close to someone with a mental illness. Education group sessions, Peer support group (family to family), Family Social Groups, Borderline Personality Disorder Support Group, Consumer Group (social peer group for consumers) and the Rangiora Support Group.

    Supporting Families in Mental Illness New Zealand (SFNZ)
    C/- 2A Burmah Street

    Contact Us:

    Fiona Perry, National Coordinator

    021 744 106 or

  • Tairawhiti DHB

    A family/whānau room is available for families of patients receiving treatment at Gisborne Hospital.

    Hauora Tairawhiti provides a whānau room for the families of patients who live outside the district, and for those with a family member in the Intensive Care Unit.

    The whanāu room contains three bedrooms, tea and coffee facilities, a microwave, shower and toilet, and a telephone.

    Contact Us:

    06 869 0500 / 0800 800 620

    Hauora Tairawhiti

  • Taranaki Chronic Pain Foundation (TC

    A fledgling group of chronic pain sufferers who recognise the need for central support and information for sufferers and their carers in the Taranaki area.

    Meets every 4 weeks on a Sunday afternoon at Espresso Cafè, New Plymouth

    Contact Us:

    Pam McLoughlin 06 751 0161 or

  • Taranaki DHB

    Taranaki Base Hospital has emergency accommodation (Whaiora) that is available to family/whanau who have a patient in the Hospital. Whaiora offers temporary accommodation to support whanau of inpatients at Taranaki Base and Hawera hospitals. Priority is given to whanau from outside of the New Plymouth and Hawera townships

    Contact Us:

    During working hours contact 06 753 6139 x 7587 during office hours.

    For all after hour bookings ask the operator to page a Kaimahi Hauora.

  • Taranaki St John Health Shuttle Service

    St John Taranaki Health Shuttle

    Based in Hawera, St John Taranaki Health Shuttle operates between Hawera and New Plymouth including all towns in-between along Highway 3.

    This service is available to people needing transport from their home and return who are otherwise unable to attend their doctor, specialist, hospital or health related appointments.

    Straight forward and stress free. All that’s asked in return is a donation to help with the operating costs.

    For bookings please phone and leave a message at least 24 hours before transport required.

    Contact Us:

    06 278 6140 (Calls returned 3.00pm weekdays)

  • Te Wahi Ora

    A place for women at Piha – Te Wahi Ora is a relaxing beach-side retreat located 50 minutes west of Auckland on the West Coast at Piha. Te Wahi Ora is run by women for women and offers:

    • Accommodation
    • Massage
    • Counselling
    • Respite Care
    • Women’s spirituality
    • Beach and bush walks
    • Candle-lit perfumed baths and much more!

    Te Wahi Ora is the ideal place to relax and have time out from your busy life. Take a quiet walk along wild Piha beach, accessible bush walking tracks, or simply relax in the privacy of your own room. Did you know that walking encourages relaxation and meditation? This is very helpful when trying to forget the stresses of your every day life.

    Costs vary for the length of stay and other services that you require (massages, counselling etc.), but does include your accommodation, bedding, towels, linen, hot baths, three meals daily, morning and afternoon tea/coffee, biscuits and fruit snacks. It is also possible to negotiate a rate for a longer stay, or a rate possible for the guest.

    Contact Us:

    Bev Holt 09 812 8775
    129 Marine Parade North, CMB 107, Piha 0646

  • Te Waiora House

    A retreat / respite centre for adults who need a break from the stresses of daily life. Te Waiora House provides a peaceful and relaxed rural environment. Set in 14 acres of gardens and countryside approx 60 minutes from Christchurch. The modern home is fully equipped and has 5 comfortable bedrooms – 4 twin and 1 double, all with en-suites. One ensuite is equipped for easy wheelchair access. All meals are provided. The on-site hosts support guests as required. A modest fee of $115 per 24-hour period (including all meals) helps to cover costs. Carer support payments by MOH or DHB are accepted.

    Te Waiora House is managed by Te Waiora Christian Trust and is based at 236 Hororata Road, RD 2, Darfield 7572.

    Contact Us:

    03 318 0789 or

  • Thames/Hauraki Health & Disability Resource Centre Trust

    Thames/Hauraki Health & Disability Resource Centre is a nonprofit organisation providing services within the Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki Region.

    We work collaboratively with Health Professionals and Community Organisations nationwide.

    We provide the following services:

    • Provide support
    • Information
    • Resources
    • Monthly newsletter
    • Social gatherings
    • Research information
    • Referrals to appropriate agencies/health professionals, e t c
    • Transport/mobility transport (medical & social)
    • Showroom with equipment and disability aids for sale
    • Mobile showroom
    • Provide hire equipment for short term hire

    Contact Us:

    Physical Address: 609 Mackay St, THAMES 3500

    Postal Address: PO Box 535, Thames 3540

    07 868 7099
    Robyn Pengelly (Manager) 027 383 1117


  • Tiakina te Kaitiaki Service – Caring for Carers

    Hospices of Northland deliver the Tiakina te Kaitiaki (TTK) service as an extension of palliative care contracts and provides services across Tai Tokerau. The service is available to informal carers of those with a life limiting condition, who may be in their last year of life and not already enrolled with Hospice, by connecting these carers to resources, funding, and community organisations that strengthen them to continue in their vital role. The aim is to support and enhance carer resilience to enable the carer to continue in the caring role while maintaining their own wellbeing.

    Contact Us:

    Whāngarei District and Kaipara District including Waipu and Mangawhai

    021 441 457 or

    Mid-Northland and Far North

    021 223 3560 or

    Or via this link > Make a Referral

  • Titoki Healing Centre

    The Titoki Healing Centre is a Christian Healing and Retreat Centre. Set on ten acres of beautiful parkland, Titoki is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Titoki Healing Centre is a well equipped, spacious Christian retreat and seminar centre which is conveniently located only ten minutes out of Whakatane and five minutes from Awakeri Hot Springs.

    Titioki offers time out for renewal and refreshment, a retreat and seminar venue for groups, a country guest house and Christian counselling and healing. The facility itself consists of a large homestead with spacious dining rooms, two lounges, nine ensuite twin-share and double bedrooms, a motel cottage, a comfortable bunk house-style villa and a beautiful chapel.

    All guests are well catered for in quality, comfortable facilities with everything supplied.

    For individuals who need time out for respite, refreshment and relaxation by themselves, Titoki has two fully equipped self contained and private cottages. With these overlooking the orchard and grounds, they are the perfect place to unwind, refresh and re-charge your batteries.

    Rates are very reasonable and both catered and self catering options are available.

    71 Titoki Road
    RD 2
    Whakatane 3192

    Contact Us:

    07 308 6503

  • TOA Pacific

    TOA Pacific is an organisation committed to advocating on behalf of Pacific Older People and Pacific Aiga/Family Carers. They would like to see that all older adults and pacific aiga carers have enhanced health and wellbeing and are treasured and valued by their Pacific community and society.

    Contact Us:

    Malia Hamani 09 276 4596
    PO Box 22 754, Otahuhu, Auckland

  • Totara Hospice Carers Group

    This is a 6 week programme run 4 times a year. Each week will focus on a different topic.

    The aim of the group is to give carers who are caring for someone at home with a terminal/life limiting illness the opportunity to meet others in similar circumstances , to share experiences, to have some “me time” for social interaction, and to receive helpful information which will support them in their role.

    The programme will cover such things as nursing issues in the home, meal preparation for someone who is terminally ill, emotional wellbeing, practical considerations (Wills, EPOA, NASC, funeral planning) and a tour of their inpatient unit, as well allowing time for the carers to talk about their experience and a bit of pampering for them.

    Meet: Totara Hospice Day Lounge, 140 Charles Prevost Drive, Manurewa.

    Contact Us:

    Beryl 09 640 0268 to register your interest.

  • Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat

    Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat and Conference Centre is a place of spiritual renewal, hospitality and refreshment owned and run by the Anglican Church. It is situated at the southern end of Long Bay Beach in the East Coast Bays.

    Welcoming and facilitating retreats for both individuals and groups is central to the purpose of Vaughan Park.
    Accommodation is available in single or twin share rooms. Four quality meeting rooms along with conference facilities and internet access provide for a variety of needs. All meals are fully catered.

    Your stay at Vaughan Park Retreat and Conference Centre may be spent enjoying the Centre’s beautiful grounds, making use of the new chapel and research centre, walking on Long Bay Beach, visiting the regional park, or simply enjoying your own company in the privacy of your room. Vaughan Park is an ideal place to relax in affordable tranquil surroundings.

    The nearest shopping centre is only 1km up the road and will cater for most of your shopping needs.

    Contact Us:

    1043 Beach Road, Long Bay, Auckland City 0630
    PO Box 89 085 Torbay, Auckland City 0742
    09 473 2600


  • Waikato DHB

    Hilda Ross House (HRH) is an accommodation facility located on the Health Waikato Campus and is owned and operated by the Waikato District Health Board. It is a multi-storied facility (6 floors, 79 rooms) which operates 24/7 and is available for pre-admission patients and those who have been discharged, as well as outpatients and supporters of inpatients, Waikato DHB employees and clients, and medical students.

    Guests staying at Hilda Ross House must be independent or have a caregiver with them to assist with toileting, showering, dressing and administering medications etc. Hilda Ross House sells a limited range of food, beverages and sundry items. Guests are responsible for their own meals. There is a small shared communal kitchenette with microwave, frying pan and fridge. Guests can also purchase meals at the staff/public cafeteria service located within the Hospital. Bedding includes sheets, pillow and duvet. Clean towels are provided daily. Coin operated laundry facilities are available, with free use of irons and hairdryers.

    Room Types & Nightly Rates (subject to change)
    Single room (1 bed) $40.00 Triple room (1 bed) $50.00
    Triple room (2 beds) $60.00 Triple room (3 beds) $70.00
    Twin room (2 beds including shower & toilet) $70.00
    Family room (4 beds including shower/toilet/kitchenette) $85.00
    Suite room (1 queen bed/1 single bed/including shower/toilet/kitchenette & lounge/TV) $105.00

    Te Whare Taurima is a low cost accommodation service for families of patients in Waikato Hospital. It is available to all ethnic groups. Priority will be given to those who live more than 100 kilometres from Hamilton and who have a family member in the Intensive Care Unit or Cardio Care Unit, or who have a family member who is terminally or critically ill. Consideration will be given on a case by case basis to whanau/family that do not fit the criteria, with availability dependent on bed vacancies.

    Te Wharae Taurima facilities include:
    • Shared kitchen/dining room/lounge/bathroom and laundry service for up to 20 people per night
    • Bedding (includes linen, duvet and pillow)
    • Coin operated washing machine and clothes dryer
    • Cooking utensils (you will need to provide your own food)

    Room types
    1 x 1 single bed 1 x 1 set of bunks and 1 single bed
    2 x 2 single beds 2 x 2 sets of bunks and 1 single bed
    1 x 1 set of bunks

    Cost (per night per family/whanau member): 13 years and older $10 per night; children 5 – 12 yrs $5 per night; preschool children $3 per night.

    Contact Us:

    Te Whare Taurima custodian 07 839 8899 ext 98644 8.30am – 5pm.
    After hours 07 839 8899 ext 98644
    After hours extension directly to Hilda Ross House ext 8398644

  • Waimarino St John Health Shuttle Service

    The St John Health Shuttle is a community service that transports  people to medical and health-related appointments and then brings them home again. These appointments include hospital, dental, optometrist, counselling and podiatry visits.

    This service is available for all ages and operates on weekdays between Ohakune and Raetihi including trips to Palmerston North and Wanganui.

    Stress-free and straight forward, St John Health Shuttles are staffed by volunteers and a donation is requested to cover costs.

    Contact Us:

    Bookings are essential, please phone by 1.30pm weekday prior.

    06 385 5019

  • Wairarapa DHB

    Hospital accommodation is available to whānau / families / and support people for current inpatients of Wairarapa Hospital subject to availability. The accommodation is onsite at a cost of $10.00 per night per adult, $5.00 per Child primary school age.

    · Accommodation can be booked on the day or in advance

    · Pre-bookings can be made through the Main Reception or Māori Health

    · During normal working hours (7am – 8pm) please book and pay at the main reception

    · Weekends and after hours please enquire at the Emergency Department Reception

    Contact Us:

    Wairarapa Hospital main reception on 06 946 9800.
    06 946 9800 – General Inquiries
    Wairapa Hospital, Te Ore Ore Road, Masterton 5840


  • Waitemata DHB

    Family/whanau accommodation is available at North Shore Hospital. Pikihuia Whare Nui is situated on the ground floor of the Hospital near the Maori Health Centre.
    The Whare sleeps 18 people in a marae style. Mattresses, pillows, and sheets are supplied, but families will need to provide their own blankets and towels.

    Facilities include a wheelchair accessible ablution block, kitchen and cooking facilities (or there is access to the main staff kitchen.
    Criteria: you must have a sick family member in North Shore Hospital and preference will be given to those who live further from the hospital. You will also be required to sign a daily contract.
    Cost: Koha 
    Contact: 09 486 1491 ext 3553

    North Shore Hospital also has an apartment situated opposite Pikihuia Whare Nui, which sleeps four people (two single beds with pull-out beds underneath).
    Mattresses, pillows, and sheets are supplied, but families will need to provide their own blankets and towels.
    Facilities include a universal shower block, telephone, and cooking facilities (or there is access to the main staff kitchen).

    Criteria: you must have a sick family member in North Shore Hospital, and preference will be given to those who live further from the hospital.
    You will be required to sign a daily contract, and there is an expectation that if a kaumatua or kuia require the accommodation, younger people must move out.
    Cost: $5 per adult per night.
    Contact: 09 486 1491 ext 3553

  • Waitemata DHB – Shuttle Service

    The Age Concern Rodney shuttle is servicing some of the Rodney area and North Shore residents that need to go from North Shore Hospital to Auckland Greenlane Clinical Centre.

    The shuttle services are on demand with no set timetable.

    Bookings are essential and must be made at least three working days in advance of travel.

    Contact Us:

    For further information or bookings please phone 0800 809 342 or 09 426 0918 between 9.30am and 4.00pm Monday – Friday.

    For more information visit

    A note on other shuttle services:
    West Auckland Shuttle services part of the West Auckland area to Greenlane Clinical Centre, Auckland and North Shore hospital, and residents of North Shore needing to go to Waitakere hospital have a pick up at North Shore Hospital.
    The Rodney Shuttle services part of the Rodney District going to North Shore and Auckland Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre, North Shore residents needing to go to Auckland and Waitakere hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre have a pick up point and North Shore hospital.

  • West Coast DHB

    Whakaruru Whānau/Family House is situated at the far north end of Grey Hospital between Parfitt Ward and the Corporate Office. The House offers open style accommodation with one bedroom with two single beds, two couch beds, and four mattresses. It is available to families of patients in Grey Hospital who live outside the Greymouth area, to help them support whānau/family members who are patients in Grey Hospital.

    Whānau/family can stay in the house for up to seven nights. Limited parking is available in the vicinity of the building. Eligibility is on a first come, first served basis and at the discretion of Grey Hospital management. Guests of the whānau/family under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. The house is fully equipped and wheelchair accessible. It has its own kitchen, laundry, two bathrooms, dining area, and a shared living area with television. All bedding, sheets, towels and tea towels are supplied and washed. Whānau/family need only to buy their food, wash their clothes, and keep the house tidy.

    Costs include cleaning and linen: $10 per night each adult (15 years and older). Children 14 years and younger stay free. $10 deposit for the key (refunded when the key is returned). Where Ministry of Health travel and accommodation assistance is available, the rate will be amended to reflect this funding. Payment needs to be made at the time of the stay (invoices are not sent). If you have difficulty paying this, the Grey Base Hospital Social Work Department will assist where possible.

    Contact Us:

    Grey Base Hospital Admitting Office for bookings 03 769 7400 ext 2886

  • Whakatane Hospital

    Whakatane Hospital provides a hospital transport service for inpatients, using either an ambulance or car for transport to tertiary hospitals and back from Whakatane hospital. This can be organised through the Duty Manager by phoning the main switchboard on 07 306 0999. There is no charge to patients for this service. For outpatients who are referred to other hospitals there is the National Travel Assistance Scheme (criteria for this funding does apply).


    General Enquiries
    0800 333 477

    Whakatane: 07 306 0999


  • Whanganui Carers Network Group

    Whanganui Carers Network Group for carers of dependents with intellectual disabilities, meet last Friday of the month 10am – 12 noon at Disability Resources Centre in Whanganui.

    Contact Us:

    Linda Keith 021 230 4095

  • Whangarei Support

    An informal group which was originally started several years ago for parents whose children stayed or lived at home.

    Meet 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10am

    Contact Us: 

    Pat Francis 09 437 7749