Care Planning Tools: Medications Care Plan

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Carers NZ’s Medications Care Plan is designed for family carers who provide regular or 24 hour support for an elderly, ill, or disabled family member or friend.

If you become ill or die suddenly, having an up to date Medications Plan will ensure uninterrupted care for the person you support.

Give copies of this plan to at least one other member of your family or whanau, or to a close friend … and/or to your GP, community chemist, home support worker, or others who should know what to do if you are suddenly unable to continue caring.

When you and the person you support travel away from home, take a copy of your Medications Care Plan with you, along with a completed Emergency Care Plan. Also, keep a copy of your Emergency Carer ID Card in your wallet or handbag, and attach it to your key ring. If something happens to you, the Card will alert others that the person you support needs help too.

These Tools have been developed to give carers peace of mind. If you cannot continue caring for whatever reason, others can quickly step in to help the person you support!

Update the Medications Care Plan whenever medications change or are discontinued. You might also want to display a copy of the Medications Plan on your fridge, or keep one with the medications of the person you support. Ask your chemist and doctor to check the Plan from time to time.

If the person you support is seeing a medical professional for the first time, take the Plan with you; it will save time. You might want to list non-prescription medications, such as herbal remedies, so others have a full understanding of what is being taken.

Out of date medications should be disposed of safely.

For useful information about managing medications at home, visit

If you have a medications emergency, always phone 111.

If you have a general concern, talk to your community chemist.