Monarch Home Retreat

Located in Bethlehem, Tauranga, Monarch Home Retreat is a where you can rest, relax and restore. Escape from your everyday life and take the time to create lifestyle changes to enhance your health and wellbeing.

Monarch Home Retreat is the beautiful home of Colleen Brennan, designed to provide a peaceful and inspiring environment for people to rest, relax and restore.

You will stay in the spacious, tranquil home in private guest accommodation upstairs with your own bathroom and lounge, enjoying wonderful views to the water and hills and eating locally sourced fresh food (vegetarian and gluten-free options).

Inside the home you are able to practice yoga and meditation, learn to cook, read books from the library, listen to music or make your own on the keyboard and receive a mini facial or foot/hand treatment.

Outside the home you can go walking, sightseeing, soak in the hot pools or visit the shops and cafes nearby, either on your own or accompanied by Colleen.

Trained in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management Colleen can give an ayurvedic relaxation oil massage and consultations for dosha analysis, offering suggestions to prevent or correct any imbalances enabling you to live life in harmony with your environment.

Rates (inclusive Accommodation and Meals):
One night $120
Two nights $220
Three nights $300
Ayurvedic Consultation $80
Relaxation Massage $60

Complimentary airport pick-ups available.

Contact Us:

Colleen 07 5718256 or 021 0400 051