Parkinson’s Wellington
Parkinson’s Wellington provides support for people with Parkinson’s Disease and their families/carers.
This is a great opportunity to come and share carer experiences and learn what resources you can tap into in the community.
Lower Hutt: Carers Support Group meets every second month-pls call Andrea for dates.
Venue: Russell McKeown House cnr Laings Road and Queens Drive ground floor.
Cost $2.00 for tea and coffee
Wellington Meet: second Thursday of the month at 11.00 a.m.
Venue: Cafe 162, Marsden Village, Karori
Contact Us:
Andrea Savage, Parkinson’s Community Worker, Hutt Valley
04 566 0401 or 027 566 0401
Diane Stephens, Parkinson’s Community Educator, Parkinson’s Wellington
04 385 8040