Te Waiora House
A retreat / respite centre for adults who need a break from the stresses of daily life. Te Waiora House provides a peaceful and relaxed rural environment. Set in 14 acres of gardens and countryside approx 60 minutes from Christchurch. The modern home is fully equipped and has 5 comfortable bedrooms – 4 twin and 1 double, all with en-suites. One ensuite is equipped for easy wheelchair access. All meals are provided. The on-site hosts support guests as required. A modest fee of $115 per 24-hour period (including all meals) helps to cover costs. Carer support payments by MOH or DHB are accepted.
Te Waiora House is managed by Te Waiora Christian Trust and is based at 236 Hororata Road, RD 2, Darfield 7572.
Contact Us:
03 318 0789 orĀ tewaiorahouse@xtra.co.nz