Thames/Hauraki Health & Disability Resource Centre Trust
Thames/Hauraki Health & Disability Resource Centre is a nonprofit organisation providing services within the Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki Region.
We work collaboratively with Health Professionals and Community Organisations nationwide.
We provide the following services:
- Provide support
- Information
- Resources
- Monthly newsletter
- Social gatherings
- Research information
- Referrals to appropriate agencies/health professionals, e t c
- Transport/mobility transport (medical & social)
- Showroom with equipment and disability aids for sale
- Mobile showroom
- Provide hire equipment for short term hire
Contact Us:
Physical Address: 609 Mackay St, THAMES 3500
Postal Address: PO Box 535, Thames 3540
07 868 7099
Robyn Pengelly (Manager) 027 383 1117