Waitemata DHB – Shuttle Service
The Age Concern Rodney shuttle is servicing some of the Rodney area and North Shore residents that need to go from North Shore Hospital to Auckland Greenlane Clinical Centre.
The shuttle services are on demand with no set timetable.
Bookings are essential and must be made at least three working days in advance of travel.
Contact Us:
For further information or bookings please phone 0800 809 342 or 09 426 0918 between 9.30am and 4.00pm Monday – Friday.
For more information visit www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/
A note on other shuttle services:
West Auckland Shuttle services part of the West Auckland area to Greenlane Clinical Centre, Auckland and North Shore hospital, and residents of North Shore needing to go to Waitakere hospital have a pick up at North Shore Hospital.
The Rodney Shuttle services part of the Rodney District going to North Shore and Auckland Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre, North Shore residents needing to go to Auckland and Waitakere hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre have a pick up point and North Shore hospital.