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Carewise Work + Learn

by Editor

Explore new employment horizons! In 2023 Carers NZ launched a new pilot in its CareWise carer friendly workplace programme, Work + Learn. Since then, we have been working with family carers…

Life Coach: Dream A Little

“When I was a young boy, I was often chastised for daydreaming,” says life coach Richard Blakeborough. “Get your head out of cloud cuckoo land. Stop daydreaming. Grow up.” The…

Life Coach: Good Vibrations!

What comments, issues, or people ‘press your buttons’? Richard Blakeborough suggests you identify your Anti Calm triggers to deal with stress peacefully. My dictionary describes the meaning of the word…


Life Coach: Let Go!

Lighten you life ( and your mind) by releasing old habits, possessions and attitudes, says coach Richard Blakeborough As a young man I attended boarding school on the North Yorkshire…


Life Coach: In The Now!

Feel like you always have seven things on your mind? Life coach Richard Blakeborough says a few minutes is all you need to take the pressure down. Stop the world,…


Life Coach: Fresh Start!

After months of depression and doubt following his heart bypass surgery, Richard Blakeborough had no illusions: things had to change! Getting the feeling again Barry Manilow may have been onto…


Life Coach: Mind Games

Getting your head around a challenging diagnosis, serious injury, long-term disabilities, or a major health trauma can be scary, as life coach Richard Blakeborough knows only too well. I know…
