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Information for every step of your caring journey!

Information for every step of your caring journey!


Work + Learn Toolkit

by Editor

Download our Work + Learn Toolkit here! Information for family, whānau and aiga carers to explore options for paid employment. Work + Learn is a free programme from Carers NZ.…

Tracey Dorward

CareWise Spotlight Hawkes Bay carer Tracey Dorward felt she had no option but to quit her job. Now she’s working again, for a more flexible employer. Tracey Dorward resigned from…

Carewise Work + Learn

Explore new employment horizons! In 2023 Carers NZ launched a new pilot in its CareWise carer friendly workplace programme, Work + Learn. Since then, we have been working with family carers…

Enabling Good Lives

Enabling Good Lives (EGL) is a new approach to supporting disabled people that offers greater choice and control over the supports they receive, so that they can plan for the…

Disability Funding Information

The Disability Directorate of the Ministry of Health continues to provide flexibility of carer support and individualised funding for eligible people

When Abuse, Neglect or Violence Happens, by Tricia Hendry

Sadly, there can be instances when abuse, neglect, or violence happens to vulnerable people.

Dementia and Travel

Alzheimer’s NZ says travelling with someone who has dementia or cognitive issues can be confusing or even dangerous if plans are not well thought out or if the person is…