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Information for every step of your caring journey!

Information for every step of your caring journey!


We Are Not Machines

by Editor

Understanding carer burnout, what helps prevent it and ways to recover By Tricia Hendry Every family, whānau, and aiga carer knows their role can be rewarding, but they also know…

Advice: Making Your Voice Heard

Being assertive is all about making sure your voice is heard and being able to clearly explain how you feel about something, what you need, or why you feel something…

Life Coach: Dream A Little

“When I was a young boy, I was often chastised for daydreaming,” says life coach Richard Blakeborough. “Get your head out of cloud cuckoo land. Stop daydreaming. Grow up.” The…

Wellbeing WOF: Check yourself out

Give yourself the once over! Use Katharine Findlays’ warrant of fitness checklist to help you and your loved ones stay healthy through the year.

Life Coach: Good Vibrations!

What comments, issues, or people ‘press your buttons’? Richard Blakeborough suggests you identify your Anti Calm triggers to deal with stress peacefully. My dictionary describes the meaning of the word…


Makeup Tips For Seniors

Recently, Family Care magazine received a letter from an ‘oldie’ who asked for some makeup tips for the more mature woman. Ula Western, of Coopers Beach, kindly provided some basic…


And What Now?

Ros Capper has written And What Now? for those who are rebuilding after a major life change. Following is an extract from her book for other people facing life-altering challenges!…
