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Carers NZ is a national charitable trust supporting a growing community of family carers and supporting organisations. We do not charge a membership fee, and our services are free to carers. Financial gifts enable us to continue our support work.

Your donation will help us to provide free infopacks, maintain our busy 0800 helpline, organise events and get-togethers for carers, and ensure that carers have a voice in decisions that affect them. Donations also help us to keep our popular Family Care magazine free for those who cannot afford a subscription.

Ways to Donate

1. You can make a bank deposit anytime, or arrange for regular automatic payments: Carers NZ’s donations account: 12 3096 0298326 02
Contact us we will provide a receipt.
0800 777 797 (toll free) or if you are phoning in Auckland the number is (09) 360 7221.
Postal address PO Box 47385, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144

2. Leave Carers NZ a Bequest (a financial gift) in your will. It’s a helpful way of ‘paying it forward’ to future generations of carers. No matter what size your bequest is, you’ll be helping other carers cope better with their demanding roles by having extra support made available through our work.

To do this, update your existing will or include Carers NZ in a new will.  The process is relatively simple, and there are currently no adverse tax or duty consequences in making your bequest. The easiest way to make your bequest happen is to talk to your solicitor or trustee about the provision you wish to make for Carers NZ.

Some suggested wording: I give and bequeath to Carers NZ ____% of my estate free of all duties. The official receipt of an authorised officer of the organisation shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor.

4. Donate through a fundraising initiative, such as a sponsored walk or group event. Let us know what you’re planning. Can we play a part in promoting it in your area perhaps? We are so grateful for the initiatives people undertake for us. Every dollar raised helps us support carers, young and old.

Thank you for supporting our important work to help New Zealand’s family, whānau, and aiga carers! Together, we can help Carers NZ continue to provide vital services.