Research: The Needs of New Zealand Carers (2010)

DrDianeJorgensenIf you are feeling frustrated in finding the sort of information you need as a carer, struggling to find the extra money to cover things such as medications or special foods for the person you are supporting, or finding it almost impossible to arrange to have some time out from your caring role, you are not alone.

Findings from an indepth study into the needs of New Zealand carers show that many carers have a pressing need for more information, for greater financial assistance, and for more adequate respite care.

The Carers Assessment of Needs (CAN) Study is based on interviews with 300 New Zealand carers, the largest qualitative study of its kind in the world.

Carers interviewed came from all over New Zealand and from all age groups, although most were between 50 and 59. The author of the study is Dr Diane Jorgensen, a lecturer in the School of Nursing at Auckland University at the time the research was undertaken.

Listen to our interview with Diane below about the findings of the study or download a presentation about its key findings (see the Factsheet tab), or download a copy of New Zealand Informal Caregivers and Their Unmet Needs, an article about the study published in The New Zealand Medical Journal.
