Stay Safe – Advice from ACC

Many injuries happen at home, and there can be extra dangers for carers if they are stressed, tired, or distracted. Check every room in the house with safety tips in our interview series with ACC.


Click here for ACC’s helpful safety advice about ways to keep Staying Safe from Trips and Falls.

Click on the audio tabs to listen to advice from ACC’s Jessica McDonald about staying safe at home.


Keep Safe in the Living Room

Living rooms can seem reasonably safe compared to bathrooms and kitchens, but slips and falls can still happen easily, especially when things are left lying around.

Keep Safe in the Kitchen

The kitchen can be the most dangerous room in the house. There are plenty of hazards, from a sharp knife left out on the bench to a loved pet getting under your feet.

Keep Safe in the Bathroom

Bathrooms are a high risk area. Watching out for spills, wearing appropriate footwear, putting your towels in the right place, and even thinking about how you would respond if someone phones while you are supporting a loved one in the bathroom can all help to prevent nasty accidents.

Keep Safe in the Bedroom

Getting up in the dark in the middle of the night can pose a hazard for carers, as it is very easy to fall over if there is not enough light, or if things left lying around on the floor cause you or the person you support to trip over.

Keep Safe While Doing Housework

When you’re focusing all your energy on providing support for someone else, it can be tempting to rush through the housework and home maintenance chores. This often means you’re not as careful or as safe as you could be.


Photo:, Kanate
