Terms of Reference and Rules
A carer is a person who supports a member of their family, whānau, or aiga who is unwell or has a chronic health condition or disability.
A group of national charities and non-government organisations have come together to establish the New Zealand Carers Alliance, agreeing to the aims, functions and procedures set out below.
The Alliance is based on the understanding that members have a community of interest and that in agreed areas members will be more effective when acting cooperatively to recognise, value and support family, whānau and aiga carers.
The Alliance has also agreed that it cannot direct or restrict member organisations’ efforts on behalf of carers or in any way limit the autonomy of members.
To provide a means for non-government organisations concerned with the needs of family, whānau and aiga carers to work together for the development and promotion of policies and strategies to meet their needs.
Organisations that are not for profit national organisations which have as their main concern, or one of their main concerns, the needs of family, whānau and aiga carers, are welcome to participate in the work of the NZ Carers Alliance.
Any questions of eligibility of groups to participate in the NZ Carers Alliance shall be determined by an executive committee selected by a general meeting of the Alliance.
Each participating organisation shall be entitled to appoint one representative to attend general meetings and may also appoint a deputy to such representative if desired.
Each participating organisation shall be entitled to one vote which may be cast at meetings by the named representative if present.
It is expected that representatives and deputies should be involved in the development of leadership, policy or management/advocacy positions within their organisations.
The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and up to five executive members of the NZ Carers Alliance shall be selected by nomination and vote of participating organisations at a general meeting for which notice of nominations and voting have been given.
A national executive consisting of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, up to five executive members and the Secretariat, shall manage the affairs of the Alliance between general meetings.
Carers New Zealand shall act as ongoing Secretariat for the Carers Alliance, and with the approval and supervision of the executive committee shall hold and disburse any funds obtained for the use of the Alliance.
The Executive Committee may appoint a Treasurer to advise it on financial matters if considered necessary.
Office holder terms shall be up to two years, with provision for no more than half of the terms to expire each year.
Carers New Zealand will be entitled to a representative as a participating organisation, in addition to its role as the Secretariat for the NZ Carers Alliance.
In implementing the work program of the Alliance, the Executive Committee will determine its own meeting schedule and meeting procedures.
Alterations to these Rules shall receive the assent of not less than two thirds of the representatives present and voting. A resolution for the alteration of the Rules shall be received by the Secretariat at least 21 days before the meeting at which the resolution is brought forward.
The Alliance may, at any time, be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at a meeting to which 21 clear days’ notice in writing shall have been sent to all representatives. Such resolution must give instructions for the disposal of any assets held in the name of the Alliance.
Ratified and in effect as at November 2004.