WeConnect is launched!
New Carers NZ service is now live!
Download our latest Wellbeing Calendar!
weconnect.nz showcases hundreds of activities, experiences, outings, learning opportunities, breaks, and ways and places to make new friends. It’s designed for anyone, but includes information about accessibility (when possible) in the curated listings, so you know how accessible an activity or venue is before you leave home. We’re regularly adding listings, so do get in touch if you think there’s something we could include.
Connect – connect with a friend you haven’t seen in a while, connect with nature by gathering the whanau for a walk or adventure. Sometimes the best conversations happen when we are alongside each other rather than directly looking at each other.
Be active – do what you can, it’s a New Year, how can you incorporate some exercise into your everyday life, it could be taking the stairs, talking to your doctor about a green prescription, doing some weights, ziplining or Pilates
Keep learning – many classes have their Term 1 Schedules up – what interests and motivates you? Chances are you will meet like minded folks at a class you are interested in so you are learning and connecting at the same time
Give – give a smile, let someone into traffic, donate unwanted items in good condition to a charity who is asking for them, have a look for little libraries in your neighbourhood or start your own https://www.facebook.com/AKLLittleLibraries/
Take notice -Paying more attention to the present moment, to our thoughts and feelings and to the world around us boosts our wellbeing . Try a meditation app, go to an art gallery its normally free to see the collection shows, get in the habit of asking friends and whanau what the best part of their day was and really listen. Do the same for yourself. Listen to the sounds of nature or look at the night sky. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-the-brain-the-beholder/201411/the-slow-art-movement-its-more-meets-the-eye
Choose from real world options or online ones!
Respite is key to your wellbeing, however it can be hard to find ways to have breaks. We’ve put together another Wellbeing Calendar, taken from weconnect.nz to help remind you to do something for yourself and to take a look at what’s out there. You deserve a break!