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Latest Whanau Accommodation View all

Southern DHB

by thinkbox

The Southern DHB includes hospitals in Dunedin, Wakari (Dunedin), Invercargill and Queenstown. If you are having to arrange travel and accommodation before you are admitted to a hospital under this…

Te Waiora House

A retreat / respite centre for adults who need a break from the stresses of daily life. Te Waiora House provides a peaceful and relaxed rural environment. Set in 14…

West Coast DHB

Whakaruru Whānau/Family House is situated at the far north end of Grey Hospital between Parfitt Ward and the Corporate Office. The House offers open style accommodation with one bedroom with…

Nelson Marlborough DHB

Altrusa House is situated at the south end of the Nelson Hospital site, immediately above Motueka Street. The House is available to anyone from out of town who requires accommodation…

Canterbury DHB

Ranui House is available to all out of town patients and their families who are attending any hospital in Christchurch. Patients from all hospital departments can stay at Ranui House,…

Wairarapa DHB

Hospital accommodation is available to whānau / families / and support people for current inpatients of Wairarapa Hospital subject to availability. The accommodation is onsite at a cost of $10.00…

Taranaki DHB

Taranaki Base Hospital has emergency accommodation (Whaiora) that is available to family/whanau who have a patient in the Hospital. Whaiora offers temporary accommodation to support whanau of inpatients at Taranaki…