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Home Safety: First Aid Knowhow!

by Editor

What would you do if you found someone lying unconscious, who was choking, or may have suffered from an overdose? You never know when you might need to give urgent…

Support At Home: Planning for the ‘What Ifs’

What if the person supporting you becomes ill, has a serious accident, or dies suddenly? What would happen if someone relies on your support and you are incapacitated? The team…

Disaster Planning

  The Christchurch earthquake gave many Kiwi families a jolt: just how well prepared are the rest of us for a similar emergency? The Canterbury earthquake reminded everyone to check…

111: Advice from St John

What to do during a 111 call. 1. When the Telecom operator answers, ask to speak to ambulance. 2. When you are connected to the Ambulance Communications Centre, St John will…

St John Photo

Emergency Planning Tools: Get Thru If You Need Extra Support

If you or a member of your household has any special needs that may affect your ability to cope in a disaster, make arrangements now to ensure you get the…

Emergency Get Thru Plan

Carer Story: Planning for Travel Emergencies

Experiencing the Christchurch earthquakes prompted Monica Renwick to update her travel planner so she could be better prepared in case of future emergencies. Monica shares her suggestions to help others…

St John: Online First Aid Library

Be prepared for most health emergencies by visiting St John’s online First Aid Library. The library provides all New Zealanders with a valuable practical guide to first aid for a…

St John CPR