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#Carers Count – Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren

Grandparents who give up their freedom to take on their grandchildren should not be charged legal fees says Di Roberts, a grandparent raising her grandchildren.

#CarersCount – In an Ideal World, by Franky Lewis

In an ideal world, family supporters are valued and receive the support they need to continue to provide support to their disabled family member. Yet being valued for the support we give and for our contribution to society remains unrecognised by those in the position to effect changes.

Caring into Retirement by Frank Gaze

Frank Gaze, a carer for many years, talks about life as an older person and draws on a range of caring situations he has found himself in over the course of his life. “Ultimately” he says “it is looking after oneself that is the most likely task we will all have.

Country Carers by Margaret Pittaway

Margaret Pittaway, the Health and Social Development spokesperson for Rural Women New Zealand, looks at the history of support for rural carers, current challenges faced by many in isolated settings and the technology based solutions they are utilising.

Young caring with Mercy

My eldest brother Ollie needs a lot of help and often we miss out on sports and other activities. Sometimes people stare at us but I don’t mind, other times…

The value of kindness

Welcome to 2017! There’s something really nice about celebrating one year and starting fresh on the next. Even though there is only one day between last year and this year, suddenly the world seems to open up with endless possibilities.

Share Your Stories!

Every carer has a story to tell. Sharing your story will help other carers. We’ve created the Stories section of our website to help reduce the feelings of isolation many carers experience.…