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Information for every step of your caring journey!

Information for every step of your caring journey!

Advice: Talking to Children After a Tragic Event

If a traumatic, scary event takes place, even miles away or far on the other side of the world, today’s technology and media can bring it right into a child’s…

A Father’s Story: Living With Eliot

Living with Eliot is a column in Carers NZ’s Family Care magazine, written by Eliot’s Dad, author and commentator David Cohen. In it he explores issues of interest to parents…


Advice: Choosing + Managing Support Staff

More New Zealanders who have extra needs are choosing their own support staff to help them live independently at home. Rhett Brown, regular Family Care columnist and motivational speaker, shares…

Advice: Keep Tempers Cool Over Summer!

Summer is a wonderful time with lots of sun, visits to the beach, BBQs, and family gatherings. But often our family get-togethers don’t quite go as planned, resulting in frayed…

An Introduction to Managing Continence Needs at Home

This article is a great place to start if you’re managing your own or someone else’s continence needs at home.  It explains the basics including causes, treatments, continence assessments, tips…

Life Coach: Self Belief

How we think and feel about ourselves is reflected in what happens in our lives. If your thoughts are negative, then turn them around so they are positive. By Richard…


Support At Home: Needs Assessment and Service Coordination

If you are assisting elderly friends or family members, or need more help yourself these days to continue living independently at home, you may be eligible for government-funded assistance. All…

Safe Lifting + Transfers at Home

Safe moves and transfers, with physiotherapist Ellen van Dijken.

Caring for others comes with its share of hard work. This can involve physical work like transferring, pulling, pushing wheelchairs, carrying, and lifting. If not done properly, there can be risks for those being moved and their supporters. Injuries can be sustained easily. Some happen suddenly, like a fall, while others, like strains, can develop gradually.

It is important we are aware of our actions and how we can do things safely to protect ourselves and those we are supporting.