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Information for every step of your caring journey!

Information for every step of your caring journey!

Life Coach: Dream A Little

“When I was a young boy, I was often chastised for daydreaming,” says life coach Richard Blakeborough. “Get your head out of cloud cuckoo land. Stop daydreaming. Grow up.” The…

Time for You!

My days are busy and often stressful, and usually I enjoy exercise alone as an opportunity to think or clear my mind, says Louise Inglis.

While caring for my disabled son has many rewarding moments, it can also be physically demanding, emotionally draining, and time-consuming. This is true for many family carers supporting others, as well as for those who are self-managing their own health or disability needs. We get tired. We get sick. We have to carry on.

Wellbeing WOF: Check yourself out

Give yourself the once over! Use Katharine Findlays’ warrant of fitness checklist to help you and your loved ones stay healthy through the year.

A Guide For Carers

A Government Resource Every family carer should read the Government’s Guide for Carers It outlines the help available from many government agencies for those supporting a family member or friend…

Want an issue of our magazine?

Family Care is packed with helpful articles to help you self-manage common caring issues at home. To request a free sample copy, phone Carers NZ’s National Carer Resource Centre on (0800)…

Helpful tips on trimming hair: Video Collection

Hair, Jewellery, Makeup: Single Handed Self-Care How To Safely Trim Nose Hair How To Trim A Man’s Hair How To Trim A Mustache! Beard Trimming for Men The Perfect Shave

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: Video Collection

After Tomorrow: A Touching Short Film (15 minutes). Returning to the village of his estranged wife, James grows increasingly concerned when the sinister owner of the guest house refuses to let…

Video Series: Managing Bladder + Bowel Needs at Home

Andrea Lord of the New Zealand Continence Association talks on a range of topics relating to bowel and bladder incontinence. The series covers assessment, choosing products, managing bowel continence at…