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Mums speak out on disability, advocacy and activism

For the mothers of disabled children, navigating the roles of advocate and activist can be complex, confronting and a constant struggle. Now seven women – all mothers of disabled children,…

Dementia carers feeling overwhelmed

Over half of people caring for a loved one with dementia and cognitive performance issues are overwhelmed, while many also say they are finding themselves feeling “distressed” or “angry”. Data…

#CarersCount – Carer Support allocations are not working

The Carer Support days allocation does not meet the needs of most of the families I work with. This system needs to be audited. I have asked for information about…


Election 2017 – Responses from Political Parties

Heading into the election, we at Carers NZ have put questions to the major political parties on how they might make life better for you if they are part of…

#CarersCount – Poverty is a multigenerational issue

#CarersCount – Election 2017 Carers are having their say in the lead-up to the election on 23 September about New Zealand’s need for a joined up respite system, a better…

#CarersCount – Funded Family Care is not a fair deal

It is time the NZPHDA be abolished and the government and the Ministry of Health treat everybody equally.

#Carers Count – Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren

Grandparents who give up their freedom to take on their grandchildren should not be charged legal fees says Di Roberts, a grandparent raising her grandchildren.

#CarersCount – In an Ideal World, by Franky Lewis

In an ideal world, family supporters are valued and receive the support they need to continue to provide support to their disabled family member. Yet being valued for the support we give and for our contribution to society remains unrecognised by those in the position to effect changes.