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Carer Story: Have Walking Frame, Will Travel

by Editor

When planning her latest excursion to the Greek village of Leonidion, Diana Noonan asked her Mum to share the journey. For 20 years I’ve been visiting the same small village…

An Introduction to Managing Continence Needs at Home

This article is a great place to start if you’re managing your own or someone else’s continence needs at home.  It explains the basics including causes, treatments, continence assessments, tips…

Advice: Caring For Older Skin

Our skin can need more TLC as we get older, so it’s important to keep it fresh, supple, and free of pressure risks. Loss of moisture and changes to skin…


Advice: Managing Medications

Many older people take several medications several times a day. Managing medications is a home health basic. Complete our Medications Care Plan and keep it updated. Ensure refill information is…


Care Planning Tools: Medications Care Plan

Download and complete! Carers NZ’s Medications Care Plan is designed for family carers who provide regular or 24 hour support for an elderly, ill, or disabled family member or friend.…

Advice: Ask your Pharmacist

Chemists provide more services than most of us realise! Community chemists are the the health professionals family carers see most often, along with GPs and practice nurses.  Hear advice from…

Ann Privet