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Covid-19 Survey Report: Caring In Lockdown

by Editor

We must do more for carers. We must do better.

Staying Connected with Family in Residential Care

How can you stay close to loved ones who need residential or long-term care? Here are ideas from Lorraine Pollock, who manages Bupa’s Winara facility in Waikanae. After years of…

Time for You!

My days are busy and often stressful, and usually I enjoy exercise alone as an opportunity to think or clear my mind, says Louise Inglis.

While caring for my disabled son has many rewarding moments, it can also be physically demanding, emotionally draining, and time-consuming. This is true for many family carers supporting others, as well as for those who are self-managing their own health or disability needs. We get tired. We get sick. We have to carry on.

Being Prepared For Homecare Visits

Often visits from health and support professionals are carefully timed, so ensure you get the help you need by being well prepared. Access Homehealth Regional Manager Jo Kara has shared…

CaringBridge: Bringing People Together During Any Health Event

CaringBridge is a free service friends, whānau, and family can use to stay in close touch during any type of health event. Carers NZ likes this wonderful online service! Check…

Advice: Give Yourself A Break

If you support an older family member, do you know how New Zealand’s respite system works? Do you know what kinds of time out are available? How do you organise…


Caring for Nana Balloon

When 80 year old Phyllis died, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren each tied a bright, helium-filled balloon to her casket. Phyllis’ nickname was ‘Nana Balloon’ because she loved to give them…
