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When Abuse, Neglect or Violence Happens, by Tricia Hendry

by Editor

Sadly, there can be instances when abuse, neglect, or violence happens to vulnerable people.

Keeping up relationships with others, by Tricia Hendry

Having good relationships with others is important for our wellbeing. So how can we keep up relationships with people we like and enjoy? The responsibilities and time demands of a caring role can mean less time is made for socialising. For our own wellbeing’s sake, how can we avoid becoming socially isolated, or lonely?

Sleep: It’s Complicated!

A good night’s sleep is something we all know we need, but chances are if you’re reading this you have a sleep problem. Rest assured, if you’ll pardon the pun,…

Life Coach: Dream A Little

“When I was a young boy, I was often chastised for daydreaming,” says life coach Richard Blakeborough. “Get your head out of cloud cuckoo land. Stop daydreaming. Grow up.” The…

Time for You!

My days are busy and often stressful, and usually I enjoy exercise alone as an opportunity to think or clear my mind, says Louise Inglis.

While caring for my disabled son has many rewarding moments, it can also be physically demanding, emotionally draining, and time-consuming. This is true for many family carers supporting others, as well as for those who are self-managing their own health or disability needs. We get tired. We get sick. We have to carry on.

Wellbeing WOF: Check yourself out

Give yourself the once over! Use Katharine Findlays’ warrant of fitness checklist to help you and your loved ones stay healthy through the year.

Life Coach: Good Vibrations!

What comments, issues, or people ‘press your buttons’? Richard Blakeborough suggests you identify your Anti Calm triggers to deal with stress peacefully. My dictionary describes the meaning of the word…
