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Continence: Dry Nights = Happy Nights!

by Editor

By Andrea Lord Managing continence at home is easier if you use the right bedding. Changing a wet bed in the middle of the night can almost be the last…

Reader Story: Catheter Self-Management

New Plymouth Family Care reader Frank Gaze shares his trials and tribulations of catheter self-management.

An Introduction to Managing Continence Needs at Home

This article is a great place to start if you’re managing your own or someone else’s continence needs at home.  It explains the basics including causes, treatments, continence assessments, tips…

Advice: Continence Assessments

If you are experiencing bowel or bladder incontinence, don’t assume it’s due to ageing. Ask for a continence assessment to discover what’s causing the problem. Perhaps it can be fixed!…


Continence: Helping Those with Dementia Find the Toilet at Night

Continence nurse, Andrea Lord, gives practical tips and ideas to help those experiencing confusion find the toilet in the wee hours! Question: My dad, who has dementia, has forgotten how…


Continence: Hand Hygiene

Frequent hand washing is the best way to control infection risks. Continence Advisor Andrea Lord provides helpful tips about hand hygiene! The number one infection control measure you can take…
