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And What Now?

Ros Capper has written And What Now? for those who are rebuilding after a major life change. Following is an extract from her book for other people facing life-altering challenges!…


Strength for Life Exercise Programme: 15 Minutes!

With Wayne Halkyard If you want to build your strength to care better and prevent injuries, try national bodybuilding champion Wayne Halkyard’s easy to follow 15 minute Strength for Life…


Big Ideas for Small Gardens

Clever ways to enhance New Zealand outdoor spaces, from the book Big Ideas for Small Gardens by Carol Bucknell and Sally Tagg (Penguin NZ). Consider a contemporary potager garden for…

CALM – Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind

The University of Auckland have created CALM.

A website which can be used as a motivational tool for students struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, relationships and other factors that can contribute to poor study practices.

Life Coach: In The Now!

Feel like you always have seven things on your mind? Life coach Richard Blakeborough says a few minutes is all you need to take the pressure down. Stop the world,…


Research: Prepared to Care? (UK) 2013

In preparation for Carers Week 2013 in the United Kingdom, a group of charities set out to explore how much, as a society, they are prepared to care. Through an…


Life Coach: Fresh Start!

After months of depression and doubt following his heart bypass surgery, Richard Blakeborough had no illusions: things had to change! Getting the feeling again Barry Manilow may have been onto…


An Emotional Intelligence Toolkit

A free online self-guided programme for becoming a healthier, happier you!  Stress or mood swings rock everyone’s balance from time to time. However, when too much stress, anxiety, depression, or…