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Wellbeing WOF: Check yourself out

by Editor

Give yourself the once over! Use Katharine Findlays’ warrant of fitness checklist to help you and your loved ones stay healthy through the year.

COVID-19 Guidance – now a page

removed from news, now a page, not sticky and redirection in place

CALM – Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind

The University of Auckland have created CALM.

A website which can be used as a motivational tool for students struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, relationships and other factors that can contribute to poor study practices.

ActiveWellness: Winter … A Time For Home!

Cold winter weather can mean boredom, depression and rising tension in the home.

So it makes good sense to make plans for winter, not just for activities that can be shared by everyone in the household, but plans to take care of yourself. By Katherine Findlay

Life Coach: Fresh Start!

After months of depression and doubt following his heart bypass surgery, Richard Blakeborough had no illusions: things had to change! Getting the feeling again Barry Manilow may have been onto…


Hearing Voices: Information for Voice Hearers and their Supporters

Hearing voices is more common than people think; it is in fact a normal but unusual experience. However, it can be a frightening experience for both the hearer and family…

Research: The State of Caregiving (UK) 2013

This research from Carers UK indicates that one in three full-time carers get no practical support. Launched to coincide with its landmark policy conference, the State of Caring 2013 report…
